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Required Input

Before any development process can start, we need to have a clear understanding of the requirements. Thus, we need to make use of well-defined and structured requirement tools such as:

  • use case diagrams (UML)
  • wireframes of UI
  • use case descriptions

Use Case Diagrams

A use case diagram is a great way to visualize the different users involved in a system and how those users interact with the system. Furthermore, it describes the different steps that are required to complete a task. Templates can be used to complete the boilerplate components of the diagram, such as this resource and this.


A wireframe is a two-dimensional illustration of a page’s interface that specifically focuses on space allocation and prioritization of content, functionalities available, and intended behaviors. For these reasons, wireframes typically do not include any styling, color, or graphics. Wireframes also help establish relationships between a website’s various templates.

Why to use wireframes

Wireframes serve multiple purposes by helping to:

  • Connect the site’s information architecture to its visual design by showing paths between pages
  • Clarify consistent ways for displaying particular types of information on the user interface
  • Determine intended functionality in the interface
  • Prioritize content through the determination of how much space to allocate to a given item and where that item is located

Use Case Descriptions

Use Case Description (or use case narrative) is the text-based, detailed, step-by-step interactions and dialogue between the actor and the system. The use case narrative is what people often mean when they say use case.

The use case description is a written account of the sequence of steps performed by an analyst to accomplish a complete business transaction. It’s initiated by an actor, provides value to that actor, and is a goal of the actor working in that system. Below, you see a use case description that clearly documents how a student manager approves a training request from a student worker.

Use Case Points

Additionally, having implemented use cases and use case narratives, we can further forecast the software size for software development projects, in terms of human effort and cost. More information on use case points can be found here.